The best treatment for a nasty sunburn

external exposure
external exposure

Getting sunburned is no fun. It’s painful and uncomfortable, and it can lead to serious problems down the road if you get burned too often. But what if there was a way to soothe your skin and reduce the damage from those searing UV rays? Well, as it turns out, there is! Let’s look at some of the top options for relieving the pain from your sunburn.

Take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)

The best treatment for a nasty sunburn If you’re looking to stay as comfortable and pain-free as possible, reach for an NSAID. These medications, which include ibuprofen (Advil) and aspirin, can relieve the inflammation that causes most of the discomfort associated with sunburns. It’s important to note that these drugs are not intended for young children or pregnant women—check with your doctor if you fall into either category before trying them out.

Take one tablet every four hours while awake (so eight times per day). If possible, take them with food or milk so they’ll be easier on your stomach; otherwise, try taking them with water first thing in the morning or right before bedtime so they have time to work their magic over night. Generally speaking, maximum benefit is achieved within 24 hours of use; however it’s safe to continue taking NSAIDs after this point until symptoms begin subsiding again–just don’t exceed recommended dosage!

If you miss a dose or two (or three), don’t worry too much: taking more than four doses per day won’t cause any harm but will increase risk of side effects like heartburn and indigestion—if this happens then take a break from using NSAIDs until things settle back down again!

Lots of sleep

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Getting enough sleep is the finest thing you can do to help your body recover from a sunburn. While you’re sleeping, your body can repair itself and repair the damage caused by sun exposure. It’s also when your immune system works to fight off any infections that have developed as a result of being in the sun for so long.

Sleep also helps with stress relief—a good night’s rest will put you in a better mood and make you feel more positive about life! If you’re feeling stressed out or overwhelmed by work or family obligations, then getting enough sleep could be just what you need to back on track mentally so that both mind and body are ready for whatever adventure awaits them next!

Avoid tobacco use

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To avoid future sunburns, it’s important to avoid tobacco use. Tobacco is associated with a higher risk of developing skin cancer, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that smoking can cause peeling and blistering of the skin, redness, itching and swelling of the skin, as well as pain and discomfort.

Avoiding tobacco use may also help prevent peeling from other conditions such as atopic dermatitis (eczema), psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis; however these conditions can also cause burning sensations in addition to peeling.

Avoid additional sun exposure

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One of the most important things to know about sunburn is that your skin can still burn even when you’re out of direct sunlight. The sun’s reflection off of water and sand can be just as damaging as its direct rays, so make sure to stay covered up if you’re planning on heading outside at all.

Even if you don’t plan on being in the sun for more than an hour or two, wear sunscreen anyway! Most people think that they only need sunscreen during the summer months—but since most burns happen in spring and fall, this isn’t true at all! You should always be wearing sunscreen.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you have a nasty sunburn and aren’t going out much (or at all), it doesn’t mean that your body won’t still be damaged by UV rays—it just means that those rays are being absorbed by less surface area and therefore won’t cause as much damage. This means that even though it may seem like nothing’s happening with your burn while it heals up inside, there could still be lasting effects from overexposure just because there wasn’t much new skin left exposed after it healed up over time. So make sure not only do not forget about protecting yourself during healing times but also use extra caution when deciding which areas need extra protection!

Apply aloe vera

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If you have a nasty sunburn, you want to do everything possible to help it heal. While there’s no cure for sunburns (at least not yet), there are things that can make the process easier. One of them is applying aloe vera gel.

Aloe vera contains natural anti-inflammatory properties that soothe and cool down your skin after a bad burn, which in turn helps to calm the pain and swelling. It also accelerates the healing process, so if you apply aloe vera gel soon after getting burned, your skin will be able to repair itself faster than normal. This can help prevent scarring from developing as well!

Cool bath

best sunburn treatment

If you’re suffering from a bad sunburn, it’s important to take care of yourself. You’ll want to cool down your body as much as possible and ease the pain. A cool bath is an easy way to do this. All you need is some cold water in a tub or shower!

If the burn is mild, simply filling up the tub with cold water will suffice (unless you have sensitive skin). If it’s more severe, however, try cooling off under a cold shower for five minutes or so. Once that time has passed, pat yourself dry with a towel before applying aloe vera gel to help relieve any pain still lingering on your skin.

Apply hydrocortisone cream

sunburn treatment cream

When it comes to treating a sunburn, hydrocortisone cream is the best option. It’s an over-the-counter medication that can be found at most drugstores and grocery stores. It is designed specifically for use on inflamed areas of skin and can be applied up to four times per day after first washing the area with soap and water.

Hydrocortisone cream is usually recommended by dermatologists as the first line of treatment for minor skin irritations like rashes or itching from insect bites. When it comes to sunburns, however, many people don’t realize that hydrocortisone isn’t just helpful for other skin conditions—it’s also effective for relieving the pain caused by UV exposure!

To apply hydrocortisone cream: wash your hands thoroughly so there won’t be any dirt or germs left behind when you rub the ointment into your burn; apply a thin layer (about 3 mm or 1/8″) directly onto affected areas twice a day until they start feeling better (usually within one week).

Stay hydrated

how to reduce swelling from sunburn

As you’re probably aware, water is absolutely essential for a bunch of different bodily processes. But what many people don’t realize is that it can also help relieve the painful symptoms associated with sunburns. The key here is to drink plenty of water throughout the day—ideally about eight glasses or more. This will help your body replenish its supply of fluids and keep your skin hydrated.

Avoiding alcohol and caffeine (which dehydrate you) might seem like a no-brainer, but sugary drinks are also one of the worst things you can consume if you’re suffering from heat exhaustion or any other kind of illness that causes extreme thirstiness or dizziness. Stick to plain water and sports drinks like Gatorade when possible!


The best treatment for a nasty sunburn is to cool the skin with a cold compress, such as a bag of frozen peas or ice packs. Cooling will help reduce the pain and inflammation of the burn.

If you’re using ice packs or frozen vegetables, be sure to wrap them in a towel so they don’t directly touch your skin, which can cause frostbite. If you have access to an air conditioner or fan, turn it on low and point it at your body to help cool down.

You should also drink plenty of water — not just because you’re dehydrated but because one way that heat and sun damage your skin is by drying it out. The more hydrated your body is, the better able it will be to fight off infection and repair damaged tissue. Water also reduces inflammation in the bloodstream, which helps decrease inflammation and pain from burns.

Lastly, consult a Dermatologist with your problems to have permanent solution.


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