What do rabbits eat

carrot 2
carrot 2

Your rabbit is one of the most adorable creatures you can have as a pet. Just look at those cute little ears, that cotton-ball tail, and that twitching nose! However, it’s important to know what do rabbits love to eat so you can take good care of your furry friend.

Grass and Hay

Rabbits are herbivores, which means they eat vegetation. Grass, hay and vegetables make up the majority of rabbits diet. They have a short digestive tract and cannot digest high-fat foods like meat or eggs, so it’s best to stick with plants for your rabbit’s diet.

Grass is an excellent source of protein and fiber for rabbits—it’s higher in fiber than most other things you can give them! It also has low calories compared to most treats that you may think are good for your rabbit (such as carrots).

Hay is another excellent source of nutrients for rabbits: it contains more calcium than most other foods on this list, making it great for keeping their bones strong and healthy.


Vegetables are an important source of vitamins and minerals. In fact, vegetables are one of the best sources for both vitamin C and folate. They’re also a good source of fibre, which is best thing what eats rabbit and can help keep your rabbit healthy by preventing constipation.

Rabbits need to eat lots of fibre to stay regular (yes, this is more important than you might think!) and vegetables such as carrots or spinach will help ensure this happens. They’ll also provide your rabbit with other nutrients that they need—such as iron or calcium—in small amounts so they won’t get too much of any one thing at once.


Broccoli is a good vegetable choice for your rabbit. It’s high in fiber, vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron. To prepare it for your rabbit food bowl:

  • Wash the broccoli well under running water to remove any dirt or pesticides from the leaves.
  • Cut off the stems and de-thorn any buds on them (you can eat these too!).
  • Steam or blanch the broccoli for about 5 minutes to soften up its texture so that it’s easier for your pet to chew through. Make sure not to overcook it—cooking all of its nutrients away! Store any leftover broccoli in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days; use within one week if you store at room temperature instead of refrigerated temperatures because this vegetable releases ethylene gas as it ages which will cause other fruits/vegetables nearby spoilage faster than normal (just like apples).

Carrots and carrot tops

Carrot tops are edible. In fact, they’re quite nutritious and can be added to salads or cooked into soups. Their taste is similar to that of carrot greens, but with an added bite from their slightly bitter flavor.

Carrot tops are high in vitamin K, vitamin C, beta-carotene (which converts to vitamin A), fiber and calcium. Additionally, carrots themselves contain significant amounts of potassium as well as other important nutrients such as folate and manganese.

Collard greens

You may want to consider adding collard greens to your rabbit’s diet. Collard greens are packed with vitamins A, C and K, as well as calcium and iron—two nutrients that can be hard for rabbits to get from their food. Collard greens also have a healthy amount of lutein, which can help prevent eye problems in rabbits. When you’re choosing collard greens at the grocery store or farmers’ market, look for ones that aren’t wilted or yellowed and that don’t have any holes or soft spots.

Dandelion greens

Dandelion greens are a great treat for rabbits to eat. They can be given to your rabbit as an occasional snack, or as a side dish. They are also good for rabbits who need to lose weight and trim their waistlines. Dandelions are easy to grow in your backyard, so this is a natural option if you don’t want to purchase them at the store.


Lettuce, specifically Romaine lettuce, is one of the best rabbit foods you can give them. It’s packed with vitamins A and K as well as vitamin C and folate, which helps prevent anemia. Lettuce is also a good source of magnesium, manganese, potassium and calcium—all important nutrients that your bunny needs to stay healthy.

Mustard greens

Mustard greens are a great source of vitamin K, vitamin C, folate and calcium. They’re also a good source of iron, magnesium and potassium. Mustard greens contain more than 100% of the daily value for vitamins A and C. In addition to these important nutrients in your bunny’s diet, mustard greens offer fiber as well as some protein and fat—all important parts of his diet.


One of the best things about parsley is that it’s both nutritious and delicious. It makes a great snack or salad ingredient when fresh, but can also be sprinkled into other dishes for added flavor.

Parsley is loaded with vitamins A, C, iron and calcium—it’s an excellent source of antioxidants as well! Parsley even contains essential oils that help your body fight off infections by boosting your immune system.

If all that isn’t enough to convince you to start adding parsley to your diet (or at least keeping it handy in the fridge), consider this: The herb has been shown to improve digestion by stimulating bile production in the liver and gallbladder. It also has diuretic properties that may help prevent bloating and indigestion caused by gas buildup in the digestive tract—a big plus if you’re dealing with constipation issues like IBS or diarrhea.


Pellets are a good source of protein, fiber, minerals, vitamins and energy.

  • Pellets provide a wide variety of nutrients in just one small bite. Pelleted foods offer many essential vitamins and minerals that your bunny needs to stay healthy.
  • The right amount of calcium helps prevent dangerous dental disease in rabbits. Many pellets contain added calcium to help support strong bones and teeth for your rabbit’s overall health.


Your rabbit should have access to a bowl or bottle of fresh, clean water at all times. Water is a vital part of your rabbit’s diet and health: they can get dehydrated if they don’t drink enough, which can lead to serious health problems.

Water is also essential for keeping the fur on their coat healthy and shiny. This means that you’ll want to provide them with fresh water twice daily (they’re not likely to drink in between). If you live in an area where there are extreme temperature variations between winter and summer, it may be necessary to increase this frequency during hotter months so that he doesn’t become dehydrated from lack of moisture for his skin – but don’t let him overdo it either! And be sure that any containers used for drinking water are cleaned regularly so as not to spread germs from one day onto another. You should also check any sources regularly for signs of mold growth; never use stagnant water or ice cubes because these could contain harmful bacteria such as salmonella or E coli.


Cecotropes are a type of poop that rabbits eat. They’re a little different than regular rabbit poops, though. Cecotropes look like pellets and they have a soft texture and smell sweet, like fresh hay.

You can find cecotropes in the poop pile, but you won’t always see it there because the rabbit will eat them directly from the anus (the butt).

When you find cecotropes in your rabbit’s poop pile, scoop them out with an eyedropper or toothbrush and put them in a small bowl for your bunny to eat later on. To keep things clean, use gloves when handling cecotropes! The only time we don’t recommend using gloves when picking up cecotropes is if you want to feed them yourself—that way you’ll get used to their texture and smell so that way next time when they’re all hidden among other poops it doesn’t feel weird anymore (if ever). If you’d rather not handle these delicacies yourself then just be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before giving them back over so no one else gets grossed out by those nasty germs found within our bodies’ bowels!”


In conclusion, rabbits are fascinating creatures that need specialized care. Best diet for a rabbit is not as simple as it seems, especially since they are herbivores. It consists of more than just hay and vegetables, so if you want to raise a healthy bunny you have to be prepared for that responsibility. If you have proper idea what does a pet rabbit eat, you can feed your pet rabbit a wide variety of foods but keep an eye out for obesity and teeth problems which may result from overfeeding. If you do decide to get one remember we all have different preferences when it comes down to what type of animal we would love spending time with, some people prefer cats while other dogs or maybe both.


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