Have you ever wondered if an online degree is respected? While some may still be skeptical, the negative stigma associated with online degrees has been steadily decreasing over the last decade. In fact, according to a study conducted by Career Builder and Harris Poll, 70% of employers now view online education as equal or better than traditional on-campus programs.
Are online degrees respected by employers?
The answer to this question is a resounding yes. Employers are becoming more comfortable with online degrees and the quality of education they provide.
The first thing employers want to see when reviewing an applicant’s resume is their educational background, including any relevant certifications. If you have earned an online degree from a reputable school, this should be listed right under your name on your resume so that it stands out and can’t be missed during the initial screening process by hiring managers or recruiters. If you don’t include this information or include it in such a way that irritates hiring managers or recruiters (e.g., if you put “Online Degree” after your name), then there’s no guarantee that they will ever get past reading just the top part of your resume before deciding whether or not they want to continue looking at it more closely!
Additionally, employers typically only care about whether or not someone has earned their degree from an accredited institution—meaning one that meets certain standards set by government agencies such as The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). However, employers do care whether or not those standards were met when earning their degree; therefore having gone through all required coursework successfully is important too!
Accreditation is important because it means that the college or university has met the standards of the accrediting agency. Accreditation ensures that educational programs are taught by qualified faculty, who use up-to-date methods and technology in preparing you for your career goals.
Accredited schools also must meet specific academic standards established by their accrediting agency. For example, if a school wants to offer an associate’s degree in nursing, it must ensure its program meets all of the requirements established by its accrediting body for this type of degree (a two-year accredited program).
Employer perspective
Employers want to see the skills you learned in your degree. They want to know that you have what it takes to succeed in your chosen career path, and having an online degree can show that you have the skills necessary to be successful in their company.
Online degrees are respected by employers because they can see that the student is motivated enough to finish their degree despite obstacles, such as being a full-time employee or being a parent.
The benefits of online learning
For many people, the benefits of online learning are obvious. By eliminating the need to physically go to school, you can learn at your own pace. You don’t have to worry about missing class because of an illness or a family emergency; you can take all the time you need to get through your coursework as long as it doesn’t interfere with your other commitments. Additionally, since online degrees are often offered by for-profit institutions rather than traditional universities and colleges (which may be more expensive), students can save money by enrolling in an online program instead of a traditional one.
Online education also gives students access to hundreds of courses that might not otherwise be available at local schools—and even if they were available there, they could be prohibitively expensive if offered only on campus due to their specialization or exclusive content. For example: if you’re interested in learning about marine biology but live far away from any institutions offering this kind of instruction…
Time management skills
- Be aware of your time management skills. Just like any other skill, you can learn to manage your time more effectively and improve your productivity.
- Make a list of tasks that need to be done. It’s important to know what needs to be done before you start working on anything else, which is why it’s important to make lists of all the tasks at hand so that they don’t pile up without anyone knowing about them!
- Prioritize your tasks according to their importance and urgency; identify which ones can wait until later in the week and which ones should get done today. It’s easy for us humans to always think that everything we do is urgent “work” and therefore deserves our immediate attention—this isn’t true though! If something isn’t urgent or important enough for its own dedicated time slot during the day then it probably doesn’t need doing at all (or maybe just not right now).
Collaboration skills
In an online degree program, you are likely to work with other students and your instructors on projects. You will be challenged to think critically and creatively in order to solve problems. This is a great way to develop the skills that employers are seeking in their employees. Your instructors will guide you through problem-solving techniques and give advice on how to interact with other students or teams working on projects.
Collaboration is one of the most important skills that employers look for when hiring new hires, so it’s important that you develop this skill while taking classes online. Employers want employees who can work well with others, communicate effectively, solve problems by thinking creatively and critically, show initiative in solving issues on their own without having someone tell them what needs fixing first every time something goes wrong within their team environment
Online coursework is often much more rigorous than traditional on-site programs.
Online coursework is often much more rigorous than traditional on-site programs. Students are required to complete the same amount of work, but they must do so at their own pace and in their own time. This makes for a more flexible environment that allows students to easily balance their education with other responsibilities, such as working full time or caring for a family member. This can be especially important for professional development opportunities or those seeking advanced degrees, as well as those who have been out of school for years and need refresher courses before starting an accredited degree program.
Online coursework also tends to be more efficient than traditional classroom settings because it reduces travel time between classes, eliminating wasted hours spent commuting between campuses each week. Additionally, some online courses incorporate webinars into their curriculum instead of requiring students visit actual classrooms on campus; this allows instructors greater flexibility when designing lessons since they don’t have to worry about accommodating everyone’s schedules at once (or having enough space).
Finally – and perhaps most importantly – online education is generally cheaper than traditional higher education options because there aren’t nearly as many overhead costs associated with maintaining physical facilities like libraries or faculty offices; these costs tend instead towards instructional materials (like textbooks), equipment purchases (and maintenance thereof) and software licenses/maintenance fees paid annually by institutions themselves once initial capital outlays have been made during start-up phases for any given year’s cohort(s).
Online degrees are just as respected as traditional degrees. Employers want to see that you have the knowledge and skills to do the job, and an online degree can be a good way of demonstrating this.
Online degrees are not a replacement for traditional degrees, though. It’s important to remember that online programs still require hard work and dedication on your part, just like any other program does. If you don’t put in the time and effort needed for an online program, then you’re unlikely to succeed in it or get much out of it.
Online programs can also be more rigorous than traditional programs because they allow students more flexibility in scheduling their classes around work or other commitments they may have outside school (such as raising children). This means that students tend to take fewer courses at once—typically between three and five per term—and focus more on getting high grades rather than simply getting through all the requirements needed before graduation day arrives at last!
We’ve seen a lot of different perspectives on how employers view the value of online degrees. The good news is that it seems like the majority of them are not deterred by where their candidates went to school. At the end of the day, they care about what skills and experience you bring to their company. But other factors still play an important role in getting hired, such as your network and your ability to conduct yourself during an interview. The best way to overcome any concerns employers have about online education is by highlighting all of your relevant, job-related experiences on your resume and during interviews. This will show potential employers that even though you may not have gotten hands-on experience through traditional courses, you still know how to get things done—because let’s face it, anyone who can complete an online degree deserves respect!