house plants are a great way to add some color to your home. If you’ve ever watched the movie “the secret life of pets” you’ll know that house plants can be a little bit scary. But, it doesn’t take much effort to keep them from turning into the evil snow pea from the movie! here are some tips for house plant care and keeping your plants alive and healthy.
here are some tips for house plant care and keeping your plants alive and healthy.
- 1. Choose the right plant for your home
- 2. Make sure that you have enough light for your plant
- 3. Find a good spot for it, and keep it there
- 4. Water the plant when necessary, but don’t overwater it
- 5. Fertilize the plant when needed, but don’t overfertilize it
- 6. Give your plant some tender love and care, and you’ll be rewarded with a happy and healthy specimen
One of the most important aspects of plant care is light. Plants need light to grow, but they also have different needs depending on their species and location in the house. For instance, if you have a plant near a window that gets direct sun during part of the day, it will need more water than another plant that is in partial shade or indoors all day long.
For example: The common spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) can tolerate low levels of indirect light and works well as an indoor houseplant in areas with little natural sunlight—such as those found under desks or in corners near windows where there’s not much access to direct sunlight.
The next most important part of plant care is watering. This is crucial—if you don’t water your plant enough, it will die. But if you water too much, the roots may get overgrown and cause the plant to die. You’ll want to water your plants at the right time (more on that later).
It’s also important to know how much water they need: some plants can only take so much liquid before they start rotting from the inside out; others need more frequent watering than others; some types of plants need less frequent but heavier doses; etc. The best way to find out what kind of watering schedule works best for your specific type of plant is by asking an expert or doing research online or in a book (or three).
The Soil
The most important part of houseplant care is making sure the soil is moist. To do this, water every week or so in spring and summer, less often in autumn and winter. You can test your soil by sticking a finger into it—if it feels dry, you need to water.
If the plant doesn’t have drainage holes in its pot, keep an eye on how much water you’re giving it so that you don’t overwater it. If there are no drainage holes in the bottom of your pot and you’ve been watering too much, chances are that some of the excess moisture has seeped into the root ball instead of draining out through those holes at the bottom (or maybe even just beneath them). This means that there’s probably too much water left over inside that ball where roots might not be able to use it properly—and if they can’t get all they need from what’s already inside there then they’ll start looking elsewhere for something else! That could lead them astray: away from their home-base (which we call “root rot”) or towards more dangerous places like onto electrical wires (which we call “electrical burn”). So make sure any containers have proper drainage holes before filling them up with soil!
If all else fails… give up? Well no way José! We’re here now with even better advice than before! If your plant still isn’t doing well after trying all these things then try transplanting him/her/hir somewhere new; maybe try moving him/her/hir outside during nice weather so as not to stress yourself out over keeping track of his needs (you only get one life after all).
Removing Dead Leaves
Dead leaves are a reminder of how much your plant needs you. The more dead leaves you remove, the healthier and happier your plant will be. When you remove dead leaves, you’ll notice something else: new life is growing in its place! This means that the plant is getting stronger, and that it’s not dying anytime soon!
It also means that when people come over to visit your home office space or living room and see an “alive” potted houseplant, they’ll probably think better of you (because they’ll assume that if it were dead then surely someone would have thrown it away). And remember: as long as no one sees any dead plants lying around then nobody even has to know about what happened here today…
Give it a bit of Fertilizer
Fertilizer can be added to the soil, water or leaves. Be sure to look for a fertilizer that is right for the plant. If you don’t know what type of fertilizer to use or how much to add, ask a clerk at a garden center for advice.
Cut it back
You’re going to be cutting back some of your plants. Why? Well, for one it’s because they look like a hot mess and you want them to look better. The second reason is that some plants will stop growing if they’re not trimmed regularly, so it’s important to make sure you prune correctly by following these guidelines:
- Cut back succulents when they start looking ratty or dried out
- Cut back cacti when the tips of their stems turn brown
- Cut back houseplants right before flowering (if applicable)
Place it in a Sunny Spot
You might have heard that plants need sunlight to grow, but did you know that they also need light to photosynthesize? Plants make food through photosynthesis. This process takes place in the leaves of the plant and requires light energy (from the sun) to perform.
Without sunlight, your house plant will not be able to produce enough food for itself. If it doesn’t get enough light, its growth may be stunted or even stopped completely! Make sure that your indoor plants receive enough natural sunlight throughout the day by placing them near windows with plenty of direct sunlight exposure.
Shower time!
Watering your plants is one of the most important parts of plant care, so pay attention!
- Water the plants in the morning. The humidity level is higher at this time of day and will help keep your plant healthy.
- Water them in a spot where they will get some sun, but not too much. It’s also good to water when it’s not windy so that you don’t blow away all of your hard work.
- Water until there is water coming out from under their pot. This means they’re getting enough!
Humidity is another important factor
While temperature is the most important factor in plant care, humidity is another very important one. Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the air. As a general rule, plants need humidity levels between 40% and 60%, though some species may need higher or lower levels. If you see your plant’s leaves turning brown and curling up, it can be a sign that they’re not getting enough humidity. On the other hand, if your plant’s leaves are turning yellow due to lack of light or insufficient water (these are two different problems), it’s possible that you’re overwatering them—and overwatering can lead to root rot over time as well!
Plants don’t actually use their roots for oxygen; instead they use them for nutrients like nitrogen and potassium which come from soil particles when raindrops fall on leaves or evaporate from soil surface under hot sun exposure conditions such as those found during summertime months here in Southern California.”
Propagate your plants
You can propagate your plants in a variety of ways, including cuttings, seeds, division and budding.
- Cuttings: You can use rooting hormones to help establish a new plant. To do this, take a healthy section of stem (called the cutting) from an existing plant. Make sure it’s at least ½ inch long and has two or three nodes on it (the place where leaves grow). Dip the bottom half of your cutting in water for about 30 seconds before placing it into moist soil; this helps prevent wilting while you’re waiting for roots to form. Once you’ve made sure there are no air bubbles trapped inside the stem (it’s easy to spot if there is), place the exposed end above the surface of your potting mix so it won’t rot when exposed to air.
- Seeds: Typically used for annual flowers such as impatiens or snapdragons that die off after one season anyway—not for perennials because they take longer than one year.”
These are my top tips for keeping your house plants healthy. I’ve been growing them for years, and these little tricks have really helped me. Even if you don’t use all of them, I hope they inspire you to get even more into house plants! It’s a great hobby that helps the environment and makes your home look good too.