Most of us would love to have more time in the day. We wish we could be more productive and focused when it comes to our work. But what if there were a way to get more done with less effort? Well, as it turns out, there is! In this article, I’ll share some simple ways that you can recognize and change your bad habits so you can have a powerfully effective day start each day off right – and end every day and remain on the top by keeping the best daily routine.
Start off your day with gratitude.
Start your day off on the right foot by tackling an affirmation. Affirmations are positive statements or beliefs that you say (or write) to yourself and its 1st step to have a powerfully effective day, in order to change your mindset and how you view the world. For example, if you’re feeling down about something, try saying “I am grateful for my friends,” or “I am happy.”
Before bed each night, write down three things that went well in your day and why they went well. Then reflect on them before falling asleep. This will help train your brain to focus on what went right instead of what went wrong—which means waking up more energized and optimistic.
Think of your best daily routine as a habit loop.
You know the old saying, “Do what you love and it will never feel like work”
The first step to making this happen is understanding your daily routine as a habit loop. A habit loop is a three-step process: cue, routine, reward. The cue triggers the behavior you want to repeat over time; it’s often something you see or hear (like seeing a cup of coffee on your bedside table when you wake up). After the cue comes the routine—the thing that compels you to act in a certain way (like drinking that cup of coffee). And finally there’s the reward—the benefit of doing this action (such as enjoying its taste).
Habits are hard to break because they’re powered by positive reinforcement from our brain’s reward center. If a behavior feels good or relieves stress when we do it again and again—even if only briefly—it becomes easier for us not just to repeat it but also start doing so automatically at certain times in our lives without even thinking about it consciously each time we do so.
Don’t let your brain wander.
When you’re trying to focus on a task, it’s easy to let your mind wander. Your brain will begin to think about something else and then before you know it, you’re lost in thought.
What can we do? Here are some ideas to continue the day with best daily routine:
- Set a timer for the amount of time that you’ve allotted for the task at hand (e.g., one hour). This will help keep track of how much time has passed and how much time is left until you need to take a break from your work.
- Turn off notifications from social media and other apps that could distract you from what you’re doing at work or home.
- Look away if there are things on TV or computer screens that might distract you.
- Do not check email unless it’s urgent (and even then, limit yourself).
Add a “workout warmup” to your day.
Workout helps you set up for a highly effective day, here’s an easy way to get your body warmed up and ready to work. A “workout warmup,” as we’ll call it, is just a quick movement session that gets your heart rate going and warms up the muscles in your arms and legs. You can do this in 5-10 minutes before any physical activity (including after your workout), or even while you’re sitting at the computer if you need to wake up!
You can do almost any kind of movement in order to warm up—it could be yoga, squats, lunges or jumps—but whatever it is should involve getting some blood flowing through those muscles so they’re ready for whatever task you may have ahead of them. Warming up before working out also helps reduce risk of injury by making sure all those muscles are fully stretched out and ready for action!
If time allows (and this isn’t always possible) try adding some dynamic stretches into your daily routine as well since these move more slowly than static stretches but still get the same benefits from increasing flexibility over time.”
Get everything you need together the night before.
Get everything you need together the night before.
This is a simple action, but it will make your day go so much more smoothly. Make a list of things you need to do and check the weather forecast, then be sure to have all of those items ready for when it’s time to leave in the morning. This includes:
- Your keys and wallet
- Your phone and charger (or backup charger)
- Laptop or tablet with keyboard (if necessary), charger, headphones and mouse/trackpad (if necessary) and any other accessory that you use regularly
Make sure that all these essentials are easily accessible in one place – whether on your bedside table or desk drawer – so that they can be grabbed in a hurry without having to waste time searching for them.
Use one magical word to start every conversation.
“The word you choose should be one that you are comfortable with and easy to remember. The best words are positive and encouraging to have a powerfully effective day. They can also be unique to you, but it’s helpful if the word is a common one so others will understand what you’re referring to when they hear it.”
Group your most important work for when you’re most productive.
- Don’t waste time trying to be productive when you’re not. When we’re busy and stressed, there’s a tendency to try to do more work than we can handle in the time available. But that just makes us feel rushed, stressed and drained—which makes it harder for us to get things done later on.
Instead, take a break from your busy day when you need one—even if it means turning off your phone or computer for an hour or two so that no one can interrupt you (and yes, this includes email). It’ll give you some much-needed space from the constant stream of information coming at you every day; even if nothing gets done during this “break,” chances are good that something will happen as soon as those distractions come back online: Your mind will be refreshed enough so that new ideas pop up naturally and intuitively throughout the rest of your day. Even better, taking regular breaks like these can actually make us more productive overall by giving our brains time away from work so they don’t start making mistakes due to overworking themselves.”
Put a time limit on small tasks so you can get straight to the big stuff.
Another way to make sure the small stuff doesn’t get in the way is to put a time limit on it. Do it first, and get it out of the way so you can move on with your day without having to worry about something small taking up too much mental space or time. For example: If you have 20 minutes before an important client meeting, don’t spend that time deciding on a pair of shoes; instead, use that 20 minutes deciding what to wear for your meeting—and then go straight from there into putting together an outfit for yourself for after work.
Keep an “open-door” policy – but just for five minutes at a time.
One of the best ways to keep your employees motivated and engaged is to keep an “open-door” policy. It’s important that your employees feel like they can come talk to you when they have questions or concerns, and this helps them feel more confident in their work.
However, it’s important not to let discussions go on for too long – after all, you’re trying to accomplish things throughout the day! Five minutes at a time seems like a good amount of time for both parties’ needs: an employee can ask about something that needs clarification or for help with an upcoming project, but won’t be able to take up too much of your own personal time (and thus will be less likely to take advantage). If an employee asks for more than five minutes of conversation with you during any given day then politely decline by saying something along the lines of “I’m sorry but I just don’t have any extra time right now.”
Also Read:- Five Habits of People who are Productive.
Set aside twenty minutes every afternoon to catch up on email.
You might have heard that the average person checks their email more than 150 times a day. That’s a lot of time spent in your inbox! If you’re like most people, you probably spend somewhere between fifteen minutes and an hour each day on email—but if you’re like me, it feels like much longer.
It’s easy for emails to take over, especially if we don’t have a system for dealing with them quickly and effectively. To avoid getting buried under an avalanche of messages every day, set aside twenty minutes every afternoon to catch up on what has come in since your last check. That way you’ll be able to stay on top of all the tasks at hand rather than letting them pile up until they become overwhelming or forgotten altogether.
Make lunch your break from technology and reduce your news intake throughout the day.
One of the most important steps you can take to maximize your productivity is to eat lunch away from your desk. When you’re working and eating at the same time, there are many interruptions that can throw off your focus. Eating lunch allows you to take a break from technology and reduce your news intake throughout the day. If possible, go for a walk outside or spend some time with coworkers whom you don’t normally work with—this will help ensure that your mind remains clear even when it’s time to return to work after eating.
Another helpful tip is taking regular breaks during the day in order to get fresh air and exercise (if possible). It’s easy for us all too often forget about these things when we’re busy with deadlines or assignments, but they’re incredibly beneficial for keeping us focused on what matters most: completing our projects while maintaining our health.
Break up your workday with active tasks and brain-freezing tasks.
- Active tasks are physical activities that require movement. Things like walking, running, or taking a yoga class can be great for your health and overall well-being.
- Brain-freezing tasks refer to anything that requires the most concentrated focus you have. Examples include writing a paper or studying for an exam.
You can get a lot accomplished if you use a few tricks for working smarter and focusing more on what matters most
Be sure that everything is clear and organized, so that when you’re working on something, you don’t have to waste time looking for notes or other documents related to that work. It’s important that everything is accessible at all times so that no time is wasted trying to find something.
Having a powerfully effective day with your best daily routine is not about getting through your to-do list, or even about getting things done. It’s about the quality of your thoughts and feelings. It’s about how you feel when you wake up in the morning, and how you feel when you go to bed at night. Having a powerfully effective day is about feeling powerful, capable, and accomplished.
You may have already achieved some of these things in your life—without even realizing it—but if you haven’t yet, don’t worry! We’ve given you all the tools here that we think will help you achieve this goal. You just need to put them into action and make them part of your daily routine.
Remember that we’re all capable of being awesome at what we do—and being awesome at life—and it’s never too late to start!