Monkeypox is a viral infection which occurs in the regions of Africa. It is been first found in the laboratory monkeys in 1958, while some people got this disease in 1970. This disease was first time discovered in humans at Surfside, Ohio.
The symptoms of monkeypox are similar to smallpox and chicken pox but it can be different from these diseases. This virus has a very low death rate compare to smallpox. In 2003, monkeypox is spread among people due to prairie dog and Gambian rat as pets which are also infected with this virus and transmitted it through contact with human beings.
The study shows that there are around 100 cases reported till now on average per year (1970-2017). Monkey pox is not too dangerous for pregnant mothers and their babies because the immune system of both mother and baby prevent them from any disease .
Monkeypox exposure
The virus that causes monkeypox is transmitted to humans by rodents. The virus also has been found in animals other than rodents, such as squirrels and other small mammals. In Africa and Asia, monkeypox has been reported in domestic cats and dogs (which were infected after exposure to rodents). However, infection with the disease is not common in these animals.
Infection with the monkeypox virus can happen when you breathe in airborne droplets from an infected person’s sneeze or cough; by touching a contaminated surface; through contact with blood or body fluids (including urine); or from sharing items such as clothes or toothbrushes with an infected person.
Monkeypox symptoms
The symptoms of monkeypox are very similar to smallpox, which is why it is so easily confused with it. The first signs of infection include fever and headache, followed by muscle aches and backache. The characteristic rash appears soon after these initial symptoms of monkeypox appear; this rash usually starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body within two days. Swollen lymph nodes may also be present in patients who have contracted monkeypox.
Duration of staying disease
The disease has a variable incubation period, but is usually about 8 days. Once you develop the rash and fever, you can be infectious for up to 7 days before symptoms appear. However, if your monkeypox infection spreads from the skin into blood or lymphatic tissue—the most common way it gets transmitted—then the risk of spreading it increases dramatically.
Monkeypox vaccine
If a monkeypox vaccine becomes available, it will be similar to the smallpox vaccine. For example, people who are vaccinated against monkeypox may still get sick if they come into contact with someone already infected with the virus. This is because some people don’t develop immunity after getting vaccinated and can become infected from exposure to an infected person. However, even if you have been vaccinated and do get sick from contact with someone who has monkeypox, your symptoms should be less severe than those of an unvaccinated person who contracts the disease.
Monkeypox severity
Monkeypox is a viral infection that can be mild in some people and severe in others. Individuals with weakened immune systems are at higher risk for severe disease. For example, those who have received an organ transplant or are receiving cancer treatment may develop serious complications from monkeypox. In rare cases, death has occurred from monkeypox infection if it is not treated properly.
It is a viral infection occurs in some regions of Africa.
- It is a viral infection that occurs in some regions of Africa.
- It can be transferred to humans, but it is not a new disease and has been around for a long time.
- It is not a serious disease and can be cured easily if taken care of on time.
- It is not a dangerous disease and there are no deaths from this infection so far.
- Monkeypox on Mankind – Exposure, Symptoms & Duration: There are two forms of monkeypox: Dry (normal) form – fever and rash (i.e., pox). Wet form – fever, rash, aches/pains (i.e., pox), pneumonia symptoms develop too late for antibiotics to work safely
Monkeypox is a viral infection that occurs in some parts of Africa. It is similar to smallpox, which has been eradicated, but has a much milder effect and many people recover spontaneously without treatment. There are two strains of the virus that can cause monkeypox; one leads to less serious illness and the other causes more severe symptoms.
The first recorded case of human monkeypox was reported in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Since then, there have been nine documented outbreaks: five in DRC and four in Nigeria. The most recent outbreak occurred from November 2016 until March 2017 in DRC with 97 cases reported among humans according to WHO data