QR Codes are more dangerous than you think

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QR codes are on a lot of things these days. There’s one on the movie poster hanging in your neighbor’s garage. There’s one on your company badge, and there are even more on all those ads you see during your daily commute. A QR code is essentially a string of numbers, letters, and characters that can contain all sorts of information, like a URL or contact info. You know what else they can hold? Malicious content! In this article I’ll be going through why QR codes are dangerous, how they work, and tips for staying safe if you have to use them.

What is a QR Code?

A QR Code is a machine-readable code that is used to transfer data. It can be scanned by many different devices and the information within it can be quickly accessed.

QR Codes are two-dimensional barcodes that use square dots to represent binary numbers. The black and white squares represent data, while the blank areas between them are ignored. They are designed to hold up to four kilobytes of information, which makes them great for sending URLs or text messages as well as contact details such as phone numbers and email addresses.

The first QR Code was created in 1994 by Japanese company Denso Wave’s subsidiary Densitron manufacturing division, who patented the technology in 2000 following research into quantum cryptography (the study of quantum systems and phenomena).

Uses of QR Code

QR Codes are used to store large amounts of information. They can be used on business cards, posters and signs, billboards and even the sides of buildings.

You might think that the ability to store so much information in such a small space would make them ideal for storing personal details like your Social Security number or driver’s license number but this is not true.

Good Side of QR Code

QR codes are an easy way to get people’s attention. They can be used for many purposes, such as advertising, tracking, marketing, education and business.

For example: If a company wants to advertise their products online they can use QR codes on the packaging of their product. This will make it easier for people who see the code at home or in the store to go directly to the website where they can purchase the product that interest them without having access so much information about what is in stock or not at local stores.

If a company wants some insight into how successful an ad campaign was then they might use QR Codes on advertisements where customers could scan these codes with their smartphones and provide feedback about which ads worked best for them after viewing an ad both online and in person; this feedback would help improve future campaigns. Also if someone needs directions somewhere but isn’t sure how long it’ll take him/her

Misuses of QR Code

QR Codes are not a substitute for a website, phone number, business card or text message. They are not to be used as billboards or posters that simply display a link as this is not enough information for someone to find your website. If you want someone to go somewhere or do something after scanning your QR Code, then use the Link option in Photoshop or other image editing software and add some text along with it. For example:

The best thing about QR Codes is their ability to make content easy-to-access without needing an internet connection; however, if the content you’re sharing isn’t relevant enough (or doesn’t offer anything new), people will likely skip over it and move on with their day instead of taking action on what they’ve seen through scanning your code!

Danger of QR Code

QR codes are more dangerous than they seem. Their seemingly harmless, square design makes them inconspicuous and easy to overlook, but there is a dark side to their existence that we must be wary of. They can be harmful if misused, harmful if used without care, harmful if used without caution—and so on.

They’re dangerous in many ways! The point of these codes is to create quick access to information or other resources via your phone; however, this means that when you scan one with your phone or tablet’s camera app, it will direct you away from the app itself and into whatever website or application is associated with it (which could lead you somewhere dangerous).

This problem has been highlighted by several recent cases where people were tricked out of money because of QR code scanning errors: for example, one man scanned his credit card number onto his phone without knowing what he was doing; then later when he tried entering another number into his bank account online (using the same password), it failed because his actual card had already been linked to an account under someone else’s name who owed thousands of dollars in debt!

How to use it carefully?

However, if you use QR codes in a way that is useful to you and doesn’t harm others or the environment, then it can be a good thing. The best way to do this is by scanning QR codes when they are used as an advertising billboard. This allows you to see what the advertisement is about before clicking on it or spending your time going through it.

You can also use QR codes on websites if they lead directly to what the website offers (and not something else). For example: If there’s a recipe associated with a product, then put that recipe right where people will see it when they scan the QR code on your product packaging or store shelf display. This way customers won’t have any problems finding what they’re looking for!

Where to use it?

QR codes are most useful as a marketing tool. They can be used to add extra information about products or services, provide coupons and discounts, display ads, and direct customers to an online store.

QR codes also have applications beyond marketing. They can be used to track the movement of products and services by checking the code’s history in real time. They can also be used to track the movement of people by embedding an identity number into the code so that it can be linked directly with demographic data from purchase histories or other databases (like health records) when scanned by consumers using mobile devices.

When to use it?

You can use a QR Code for marketing and advertising purposes, information sharing purposes, or e-commerce purposes.

It’s important to think about the purpose of your code when deciding whether or not to include it in your marketing strategy. If you’re not sure how a QR Code will benefit your business and its bottom line, it’s best to speak with an expert before using one.

QR Codes are very useful technology but its misuse can be harmful.

QR codes are very useful technology but its misuse can be harmful.

They can be used for good or bad purposes, such as spreading misinformation, stealing personal information and money. They can also be used to steal intellectual property and more.

Therefore it is important that readers know how to use them properly so they don’t harm themselves or others in any way.


The QR codes are ubiquitous, and they are still being used. They can be used to track you, but there are a lot of other ways in which they can be dangerous to your privacy and security. It’s best to stay away from them whenever possible. If you have to use them, be sure that you are using a reputable app that has been vetted by others before downloading it. And if you get a QR code on paper or in real life, don’t scan it! Just walk away or throw it out (if possible).


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