Home work is a piece of work or school work done at home. It is an assignment that teachers give to the students to complete outside from the regular class. Homework assignments are of various types such as writing, typing project, mathematical calculation, art and craft and making some hand made model.
It has various advantages and disadvantages. There is a strong argument on this topic has been going for decades.
Homework plays a vital role for learning lessons properly. Most of the students forget their lessons way back to home. Homework should be given to the students for remembering the lessons.
Develops student teacher bonding

The teacher student strong bonding helps learning fruitful. Students attached with their teachers through this homework. Students talk freely and discuss about the problem with their teachers through homework. The interaction between the teacher and the student is important for progression.
Atmosphere of home is fruitful

Most of the students do not free in the school. They are reserve in nature. They like the environment of home comparing to the school. They solve homework easily in the home. There is no proper restriction to be followed. They do homework comfortably. The atmosphere is very fruitful to them for doing homework.
Parents help children

More practice

We know that Practice makes a man perfect. Students can practice more and more to memorize the lesson well. The subject is easy to understand through practice. Practice gains self-confidence within us.
Students responsibility

Students prepare their homework on a daily basis and check the homework from teachers. Students become responsible and punctual very soon.
Develops presentation skill

Students make their project well. They do their homework regular. They present their thought in different manner. They know that how the matter is to be presented. They develop the power of skill into their mind.
Gather and learn new information

When children do assignment, they research many topics. They gather more information through this process. Students become more intelligent to acquire knowledge.
Make friends

We discussed with our friends for some of the homework. Sometimes teacher divides students into a group and tell them to do assignments together. This can be very helpful to make new friends. The friendship is much stronger through solving new problems.
Improve writing skill

If we do proper homework, we write a lot. Homework improves hand writing. Writing of any topic enhances the power of thought.
Keep Students busy

These are some most significant reasons why homework should not be banned. It plays a vital role for the development of a child. It enhances skill. It increases self-confidence within our mind.