Students often struggle to remember new information when preparing for a big test. It’s understandable—it can be difficult to recall definitions, dates, and formulas you could once recite by heart.
Fortunately, there are some simple strategies you can use to improve your memory skills and take your studying to the next level. These include visualizing concepts, relating new information to things you already know, reading out loud, focusing your attention, structuring and organizing information in a strategy that makes sense to you, avoiding cramming sessions the night before the exam, elaborating on the information you want to remember (and practicing how you’ll explain it), and utilizing mnemonic devices like acronyms or “mind maps” to make details easier to commit to memory.
If you’re wondering how some of your classmates seem so skilled at performing well on tests without having studied much at all while also maintaining a social life outside of class time, chances are they have mastered one or more of these tricks! Here are some tips on ways to improve memory for studying or an elaborate guide to how to improve memory for exams.
Visualize Concepts
Visualization is a powerful memory tool. It lets you create a mental picture of what you are studying, which increases the chances of remembering it later on. This can be used to remember anything from diagrams and maps to facts, names, and even ideas.
To illustrate this point let us take an example: if your teacher asks you to draw an apple for the next exam, do not try drawing it directly on paper with pencils or pens as there is a high chance that once the exam starts you will forget about it and end up doing something else instead (which could be pretty embarrassing).
Instead, visualize yourself drawing an apple in front of you so vividly that all senses like sight sound touch feel etc play along with this image in your mind while watching yourself draw an apple with great precision–and voila! You have successfully remembered how to draw an apple without using any props or material!
Relate New Information to Things You Already Know
One of the best ways to remember new information is to relate it to something you already know. It’s not enough for you to learn a fact and then forget about it; in order for that piece of knowledge to stick, you need to connect it with what you already know. You can do this by asking yourself “What do I already know?”
For example, if your teacher introduces a new concept called “complementary colors,” ask yourself: “What are complementary colors?” Then try making connections between the new idea and other concepts that make sense based on what you already know. In this case, complementary colors are pairs of colors that when combined create white—red and green, blue and orange (or any other combination).
Read Out Loud
Reading out loud is a simple and fun way to boost your memory and concentration. When you read something, you have to process the words, understand their meaning, and comprehend the overall message. Not only does this help your brain learn new things, but it also improves your reading speed and listening skills.
If you’re struggling with reading comprehension or pronunciation issues in language classes at school or university then try reading out loud while doing the assignments. This will help you pronounce words correctly without sounding robotic since everyone has their own style of speaking when they read out loud!
Focus Your Attention
One of the most common ways to improve memory and focus is to concentrate your attention on the most important information. Don’t worry about the rest, don’t worry about the details, don’t worry about minutiae or side issues. Instead, when you are studying for an exam takes a moment before looking at your notes and ask yourself: “What does this mean?” or “Why does this matter?” If it doesn’t seem relevant then don’t spend time trying to remember it—you won’t be able to!
Structure and Organize
- Break Down Information Into Small Chunks
- Use Note Cards
- Use a Planner or Calendar
- Make A Mind Map (or Other Visual Aid) Of The Info You Want To Remember.
Avoid Cramming
Cramming is not a good strategy to study for an exam. It can be tempting when you are short on time, but cramming doesn’t allow the brain to process and store information. In fact, cramming is stressful and can lead to poor performance on tests. If you don’t have time to prepare properly before a test, it might be better not to take it at all—or at least postpone taking it until you have more preparation time.
There are many things that people do wrong when preparing for tests: but if there was one thing I could tell you not to do when preparing for an exam (and actually any type of test), that would be “cramming”. This means trying your best while under pressure and without knowing exactly what kind of questions will be presented in the end!
Elaborate and Rehearse
Elaboration and rehearsal are two of the most effective memory strategies. Elaboration is the process of connecting new information to what you already know; it helps you remember new information by relating it to other things you’ve learned in the past.
You can elaborate on a fact by creating analogies, or similes (for example: “A bat flies like a butterfly”), or by using metaphors (for example: “The bat swooped down like an eagle”). Rehearsal involves repeating information over and over again until it sticks in your mind. This can be done through repetition, visualization, or even singing if that works for you and boost your memory before exams.
Rehearse key points from lectures or study materials before bedtime so that they stay fresh in your mind; then repeat them again the next day during class so they become even more familiar with their context within their natural setting–this will help them stick!
Utilize Mnemonic Devices
Mnemonic devices are tools to help you remember information. They can be used to remember anything, from a list of groceries to the name of a book or movie. The best thing about mnemonic devices is that they’re not just for kids; anyone can use them!
In case you’re unfamiliar with the term, a mnemonic device is an association between information and another idea or image that makes it easier to keep memory. For example, one of my favorite mnemonics is using the first letter of each word in a phrase as an acronym (like “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”) which helps me remember what I did last night at dinner: P-e-a-m = “Please Eat A Melon.” As another example, there’s one I use when trying to memorize key facts about U.S presidents: US-40 = “Uncle Sam’s 40th president”–that is, Ronald Reagan was our 40th president.
You could also try using this same method for remembering your grocery list: Granny Smith Applesauce Yogurt Peanut Butter Chocolate Milk Orange Juice Boxes Since everyone has different ways they like learning new things (and different levels), keep track while testing yourself so you can find out what works best for YOU!
Although these strategies and memory improvement tips will help you better retain information and guide you on how to study for exams retaining memory, they may not be a silver bullet to remembering everything. If all else fails, it is important to realize that everyone has a different way of learning and so what might work for one person may not work for another. Don’t forget to have good food to improve your memory for exams, also don’t stress about it too much because there are always other ways out there that can help you to improve your memory!