MDMA, also known as Molly, is a man-made drug that alters the brain’s chemistry, making users feel relaxed and energized at the same time. The effects of MDMA vary from person to person, but many people report feeling more trusting and open to others after taking it. It’s not uncommon for someone who takes MDMA to have an anxiety attack or panic attack while on it or shortly after taking it off; these attacks can be dangerous and require medical attention.
What is MDMA?
MDMA is a psychoactive drug that acts as a stimulant and is psychedelic. It produces feelings of euphoria, excitement, and energy in the user.
MDMA is derived from the Latin word meaning “to beget” or “to produce,” which is fitting since it can produce feelings of euphoria (a feeling of extreme happiness), empathy (an emotional connection with others), and increased energy.
It’s also known as “ecstasy,” although this term may also refer to related drugs such as MDA or MDEA.
How do we feel about MDMA?
The immediate effects of MDMA can be attributed to its effect on neurotransmitters in the brain. The neurotransmitter dopamine is responsible for feelings of pleasure, and when released it causes a rush of euphoria. Serotonin is associated with mood and sleep, while norepinephrine controls arousal.
MDMA increases levels of these chemicals which may explain why users feel so happy, energetic, and confident after taking it.
It also causes an increase in oxytocin (the love hormone) and prolactin (the milk-making hormone), which can cause feelings of closeness to others under certain circumstances. In some cases, this can make some users feel as though they have found their soul mate or have fallen in love with everyone around them during their trip – hence the term ‘ecstasy’.
Why do people use MDMA?
People use MDMA because it produces feelings of euphoria and empathy, as well as heightened sensations. It is also an empathogen, meaning that it can make people feel closer to each other.
MDMA is a popular party drug that makes users feel more connected to others and increases their empathy for others.
There are some studies being done on MDMA as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but these results are still preliminary and the long-term effects of using the drug are unknown at this time.
What are the short-term effects of MDMA on the brain?
Short-term effects of MDMA on the brain include:
- Intense feelings of pleasure and excitement
- Paranoia, confusion, sleep problems, depression, and anxiety. These effects can last for several days after taking MDMA.
- In some people, the use of MDMA has been linked to long-lasting psychological problems including paranoia and hallucinations. Some people who have taken MDMA report feeling very hot or cold while they are under the influence of this drug.
- Blurred vision
- High blood pressure
- Muscle tension
- Dehydration
What are the long-term effects of MDMA on the brain?
The long term effects of MDMA use can include the following:
- Problems with memory and learning. There is some evidence that people who have used MDMA may experience problems with memory and learning. It is unclear whether these changes are permanent or if they will go away when someone stops using MDMA.
- Problems with concentration, attention, decision making, language, information processing speed, and visual perception for up to 6 months after last drug use (in heavy users).
- Mood disturbances such as depression or anxiety (in heavy users)
- Psychosis
- Convulsions
- Liver disease
- Cardiovascular disease
- Memory loss
MDMA does to the brain
MDMA Increase The Risk of Memory Problems
It also increases the risk of memory problems. People who use MDMA can experience difficulty with learning and concentration for weeks after use. Some people who have used MDMA for a long time report more serious problems with memory, learning, and attention. The effects on the mind may be related to changes in serotonin levels, which are thought to play an important role in memory, learning, and thinking.
MDMA Decreases The Amount of Neurotransmitters The Brain Produces
MDMA decreases the amount of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in regulating many processes in the body, including mood, appetite, and sleep. Dopamine is another chemical messenger (neurotransmitter) that is associated with pleasure, motivation, and reward-seeking behaviors. Norepinephrine helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
MDMA causes these neurochemicals to become unbalanced; it also increases levels of another neurotransmitter: glutamate. The combination of high glutamate levels and low dopamine levels may contribute to some people’s experience of depression after taking MDMA.
Read Also: Habits of a Healthy Brain
MDMA Can Change How The mind Processes Emotions and Information
One of the major effects of taking MDMA is that it can change how the mind processes emotions and information. When you have a normal brain, you have these areas called “limbic” regions. These are important for processing emotion, motivation, and memory. They also help control attention, thinking, moods (including depression), behavior (especially sexual behavior), sleep cycles, and other things that contribute to our overall sense of well-being.
MDMA affects these areas of your mind by increasing their activity in certain ways—in particular by increasing dopamine release in those areas while reducing serotonin release at the same time as well as reducing inhibitions against acting on one’s impulses or desires. So if someone has been depressed for a long time but takes MDMA this might allow them to experience an increase in positive feelings about themselves and their lives which may last longer than usual after taking it because the drug reduces serotonin levels so much faster than normal activity could normally have it naturally without any external influences affecting how fast those changes occur within each person’s life circumstances leading up before using MDMA itself.
MDMA Can Weaken Brain Areas That Regulate Cognitive Functioning and Impulse Control
MDMA can weaken brain areas that regulate cognitive functioning and impulse control. These effects may be long-lasting or permanent, leading to problems with memory, concentration, and impulse control in the future.
The brain’s limbic system is responsible for emotional reactions. It’s made up of two main sections: one that helps us make decisions based on our emotions (the prefrontal cortex) and another that regulates our emotions (the amygdala). MDMA causes damage to both of these parts of the brain; this damage can lead to long-term behavioral changes in people who use it regularly over time.
The effects of MDMA on the brain can be both positive and negative. These effects are largely influenced by the dosage of the drug and how frequently an individual takes it. While some studies have shown that MDMA may have therapeutic benefits for those suffering from PTSD, other research indicates that there are long-term cognitive problems associated with repeated use. If you’re concerned about your own mental health or that of someone close to you, get in touch with a treatment specialist who can help guide you through the process of getting well again.