Why and how to clean your belly button, belly button infections

how to clean your belly button

You might be surprised to learn that you can clean your belly button. But you should. Not only does it keep your belly button healthy, but it also helps prevent infections.

Belly buttons are one of the most common sites for infection in newborns and infants. And while they’re not nearly as prevalent in adults, they still make a great breeding ground for bacteria (and other things like sweat and dead skin).

That said, we don’t recommend cleaning your belly button every day or even every week! Just once or twice a month should suffice—especially if you don’t have any problems with it right now. Otherwise, consider cleaning yours every few months just to make sure everything stays nice and clean inside there.

What is the belly button?

how to clean your belly button

The belly button is the opening of the umbilical cord, which nourished and provided oxygen to your baby while he or she grew in your uterus. It is your child’s birthmark, and it’s also where her umbilical chord was attached to her body.

The belly button is made up of scar tissue that heals over time after you give birth. As this scar heals, it becomes less noticeable with age but can still be felt and seen as a small indentation in the skin around your abdomen.

The belly button is also known as an umbilical hernia. In this condition, the belly button becomes larger than normal and can be painful. An umbilical hernia may also cause swelling in your abdomen or groin area. This is called an umbilicus or navel (the word “bellybutton” comes from both words).

What is the importance of the belly button?

The belly button is a small scar that remains after the umbilical cord is cut. As you know, it was through the umbilical cord that your baby received oxygen and nutrition during your pregnancy. Not only did these nutrients pass through to your baby, but also waste products like urine and feces were removed from their body and passed back to you via this same connection.

The belly button is an important part of your body. It serves as a connection between the outside world and your internal organs. The belly button also helps to maintain balance in the body by keeping your center of gravity in place.

In short, the belly button has several important functions:

  • It’s where the mother-to-be can feel the movements of her unborn child inside her tummy for many months before birth.

Why clean the belly button?

There are several reasons to clean your belly button. First, it’s important to keep the area around your belly button dry and free of moisture. Moisture can lead to bacterial growth, which can result in infections. Bacteria can also irritate the skin, causing itching or pain. It is a common area for infections to develop.

Bacteria and other microorganisms can easily enter the body through the opening of your belly button, which is why it’s important to keep this area clean and free of bacteria by washing it regularly with soap and water. Second, many people find that they have increased sensitivity in their belly button while they’re pregnant because they have more blood flow near the surface of their skin due to increased hormone levels (especially estrogen).

This means that any sort of cut or tear in this region could lead to significant bleeding—not something you want during pregnancy. Lastly, many women find that their navels become inflamed during pregnancy due to pressure from growing babies or constriction from tight clothes around the waistline. The good news is that most infections will heal on their own over time if left alone; however, some infections may require medical attention such as antibiotics or draining fluids from inside your body.

How to clean the belly button more effectively?

how to clean your belly button

There are many ways to clean your belly button effectively.

Wash your hands with soap and water.

  • You can use a cotton swab, but this is not the ideal way of doing it because they might cause scratches on your skin and may even cause infection if you do not sterilize them properly after each use.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Use warm water and mild soap or body wash to cleanse the area around your belly button (don’t use harsh soaps or chemicals).
  • Clean the outside of the belly button thoroughly with an alcohol-based disinfectant.
  • You can also use a clean towel or cloth to wipe around your navel area, but this method is time-consuming since you need to wash the cloth after every use, and drying it before the next usage involves more effort than just using a disposable paper towel which could be disposed of easily later on when needed again for another purpose such as wiping off sweat during an exercise routine or cleaning up spills from food items at home.
  • Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to help prevent infection in the future.

What causes the infection of the belly button?

belly button infections

Belly button infections are caused by a number of factors. They can be caused by bacteria, fungus or yeast. This is usually due to poor hygiene and lack of cleanliness in the area around your belly button.

Belly button infections can also be caused by skin irritation from clothing that causes friction on your skin causing redness and inflammation of your belly button due to sweating and moisture from the clothes rubbing on it over time.

Belly button infections are sometimes brought about when you have insect bites or when there’s an open sore on your body with exposed flesh allowing entry for microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and yeast to enter into the wound site which then leads to infection in this region due to constant exposure from day-to-day activities such as showering after gym workouts, etc., which can also lead to infection if not addressed properly through proper cleaning methods.” Improper care of a piercing.

If you have a belly button piercing and don’t take proper care of it, it can become infected and cause an infection in the surrounding area of your skin. Skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. Diabetes mellitus (high blood sugar), Obesity, and overweight cause infection.

How to cure belly button infections?

Why and how to clean your belly button, belly button infections

  • Use a warm compress on your belly button. This helps to bring down the inflammation and soothes the area. It also prevents further infections by disinfecting and cleaning out any bacteria that may be present.
  • Drink plenty of water. Drinking more water will help flush out toxins from your body, which could be causing an infection in the first place!
  • Take a bath three times a day for 10 minutes each time with Epsom salt added to it (½ cup). Epsom salt is great at drawing out impurities from deep within our skin layers while also soothing any itching or pain caused by an inflamed belly button.
  • Use a mild soap or shampoo, body wash, rubbing alcohol etc., all diluted in lukewarm water if possible (mix 1 part alcohol/1 part water) to gently cleanse the affected area(s) gently but thoroughly; apply pressure slightly harder than you would when washing without soap – don’t worry about hurting yourself! Applying pressure like this helps dislodge some dead skin cells that may have built up around the infection site(s), making way for good bacteria there too.
  • Coconut oil: Rub some onto the affected area(s) twice daily before bedtime – repeat this process until symptoms disappear altogether (about 7 days usually). If using it after showering instead opt for “coconut shampoo” instead which is easier since you don’t need clean hands before applying it.

If these steps do not work then seek medical advice immediately since there might be something else going on with your health that could get worse over time if left untreated.


In conclusion, cleaning your belly button can be beneficial to your health. A clean belly button helps prevent infections and keep bacteria from spreading. It also helps keep the skin around your umbilicus healthy and strong, which will help prevent future problems like hernias or umbilical hernia scarring down the road! There are many ways to do this cleaning process; it doesn’t matter what method works best for you as long as it gets done.

Read Also:- Bonding with Unborn Babies


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